What should I pay attention to when using Butyl waterproof tape

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In layman's terms, Butyl waterproof tape is an upgraded version of the waterproof membrane SBS. His requirements and skills for construction are simpler and more convenient, and at the same time, due to the diversification of specifications, it is more widely used.

In layman's terms, Butyl waterproof tape is an upgraded version of the waterproof membrane SBS. His requirements and skills for construction are simpler and more convenient, and at the same time, due to the diversification of specifications, it is more widely used. In many cases of waterproof and water leakage, it is especially suitable for products with high cost performance.

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How to use Butyl waterproof tape:
(1) The surface of the base must be cleaned or wiped clean, kept dry and free of floating soil and oil.
(2) Butyl waterproof tape should not be torn or peeled off within 24 hours after construction.
(3) According to the actual project needs, choose different types and sizes of Gelu tapes.
(4) Place the boxes at a distance of about 10cm from the ground, do not stack more than 5 boxes
(5) In order to ensure the bonding strength, the base surface temperature is above 5°C, and special low-temperature environments can be specially produced.
(6) Butyl waterproof tape can be used after peeling off the tape for a circle.
(7) Do not use it together with waterproof materials containing organic substances such as benzene, toluene, methanol, ethylene, and silica gel.
The above is the introduction of the usage of Butyl waterproof tape, I hope it will be helpful to you.

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