Precautions for the use of self adhesive waterproof membrane

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Self-adhesive waterproof membrane is suitable for roofing, basement, interior, municipal engineering and water storage tanks, swimming pools and subway tunnels of industrial and civil buildings.

Self-adhesive waterproof membrane is suitable for roofing, basement, interior, municipal engineering and water storage tanks, swimming pools and subway tunnels of industrial and civil buildings. It is also suitable for waterproofing of wooden and metal structure roofs. Self-adhesive waterproof membrane is especially suitable for re-waterproofing projects such as military facilities that require cold construction and oil depots, chemical plants, textile factories, and grain depots that are not suitable for using open flames.

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Precautions for the use of self adhesive waterproof membrane:
1. Do not use non-exposed coils in exposed environments.
2. Do not stick self-adhesive membranes on the frozen base.
3. It is not allowed to construct on the base that is polluted and with high moisture content.
4. The packaging and release paper of the self-adhesive waterproof membrane can only be removed before and during paving.
5. When the sealant is not used up, the container should be tightened and sealed in time.
6. The supporting materials of other manufacturers, without verification, should not be used in this self-adhesive waterproof membrane product.

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