How to deal with the glue left by aluminium bitumen flashing tape on the glass

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How to deal with the glue left by aluminium bitumen flashing tape on the glass? Customers and friends, do you know? Let the staff of aluminium bitumen flashing tape manufacturer explain to you, I hope it can be helpful to you.

How to deal with the glue left by aluminium bitumen flashing tape on the glass? Customers and friends, do you know? Let the staff of aluminium bitumen flashing tape manufacturer explain to you, I hope it can be helpful to you.

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1. Aluminum bitumen flashing tape tells you to wipe the nail polish remover with a cotton swab.
2. You can use a hair dryer and blow gently.
3. Use special detergent or sports shoes decontamination cream to wipe.
4. Wipe with a little sodium water, or apply thinner.
5. Repeatedly tear off the tape with a good tape to remove some surface glue.
6. The 4b eraser used for drawing is a very soft eraser that can be erased.
7. Aluminium bitumen flashing tape tells you that if you leave traces for a long time and become hard, you can use a hot towel to soften it before the trial.
8. Aluminum bitumen flashing tape tells you that using soap and a little ammonia and turpentine mixture can remove a lot of dirt and make the glass surface more shiny.
The above is all about how to deal with the glue left by aluminum bitumen flashing tape on the glass. If there is anything you don’t know, you can communicate with our customer service. We will serve you wholeheartedly.

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